SU.SOKU direct is the sole appointed Online Distributor by the SU.SOKU to support online retailer in marketing their brand to everywhere in the world.
SU.SOKU is a renowned brands in hosieries, fashion tights, foot comfort products, seamless inner garments and body shaping garments that started by Principal who is in the market since year 1993.
Principal has been monopolizing the hosiery sector in Malaysia encompassing basic hosiery to fashionable hosiery for all ages, foot comfort products, seamless inner garments and sexy lingeries.
Priciple has very strong market share in all major franchising store like Guardian, Watson, Isetan and etc. In year 2010, Principal penetrated into China market with own flagship store in Shang Hai trying to bring the brand to world class standard.
SU.SOKU direct will be the sole appointed partner in focusing on online business and distribution as online media like social networking, blogging, emailing has become a very effective channel to market.
SU.SOKU direct is looking forward to online retailer who are interested to market this established brand who are currently very strong in tradisional retail chain store.
Having experience in blogging marketing in Malaysia market for the past 2 years, and also retail store experience for past 7 years, we believe creating a online retail chain store is not a dream!
We would like to look for online retailer who mainly covers country by country and may slowly upgrade to sub-distributor in phase 1.
Opportunities is now OPEN!